

John Quincy Adams rightly defines a leader, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Leadership is not about gaining control over someone or about making people work even when they don’t want to. And leadership is never about shouting at people when they fail. It’s about creating a desire among the people to achieve the impossible. Leadership is about inspiring people when they have lost their hope and it’s about motivating your team to work together towards the goal.

True leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary skills. True leaders take responsibility when their team fails and true leaders lead by example. Leadership is about providing a common vision for people to believe. It is about giving your team a reason to enjoy their work and leadership is about supporting every individual in your team when they need you the most.

As a leader, it’s important for you to understand the strengths & weaknesses of your team members and it’s important to nurture a healthy relationship of mutual respect with your team. People look up to Leaders because they have the guts to believe when no one else does.